Sunday Worship

Our regular Sunday worship

9.30am (1st and 3rd Sunday): A contemplative, traditional worship of Hymns, Bible Readings, Sermon and Holy Communion. This is held in the Chapel on the ground floor.

10.30am: Morning Worship where all-ages are catered for and a variety of music styles used.  Holy Communion is celebrated on the 1st Sunday of every month. These worships are held in the Sanctuary on the first floor.  There is lift access.

10.30am (every 2nd & 4th Sunday): The Ark Junior Church 

10.30am - Chinese Church Worship in Cantonese, go to: Abundant Life Christian Church ( for more details. 

What to expect at our Sunday worship

Each Sunday the High Cross Community meets for corporate worship that equips us for our daily worship throughout the week ahead. Whilst content will differ each week we are always seeking:

  • To praise God together in word and music

  • To pray to God together for His world and His creation

  • To encourage each other in our faith

  • To have Bible-based sermons

  • To remember we are saved through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ as we celebrate Holy Communion

Our worship styles

Our worship have a relaxed formality about them and the content varies according to the worship leader.


At 9.30am our worship is led by one of our organists.

At 10.30am we use our organists plus a singing group with other instruments as available.  We aim to begin with lively contemporary hymns and songs and gently move to more traditional hymns later in the worship.


Our 9.30am worship lasts around 30/40 minutes and our 10.30am worship between 60 and 75 minutes.  Both usually include a sermon of 10 to 20 minutes.


At the 9.30am worship we use hymn and song books and Bibles are available on request.

At our 10.30am worship all hymns and songs are projected on the screen. In addition there are hymn and song books in the seats and large print versions of the hymn and song words are available on request.  The Bible readings are projected on the screen and Bibles are also available in the seats.


At the 9:30am and 10:30am worships there is an induction loop system for use with a hearing aid.

After worship

After our 10.30am worship we offer:

  • Prayer Ministry in the downstairs Chapel. We have a team of dedicated Christians who are able to pray with you in confidence. Please ask the Minister or Pastoral Secretary to introduce you.

  • Refreshments are served on the ground floor after our 10.30am worship. Here you can meet our Church community in an informal setting.

  • If you wish to use the Multi-storey Carpark on Sunday mornings please speak to the office.