Children and Family
Easter Holiday Activities
Tuesday 2nd April 2024 - 10am - 12noon - Have fun building with Lego and Duplo (Free event)
Wednesday 3rd April 2024 - 10am - 12noon - Leather spring crafts (free event)
Thursday 4th April 2024 - 10am - 12noon - Easter Themed Stone Decorating (free event)
Friday 5th April 2024 - 10am - 12noon - Back by popular demand; Basil and Crew Mobile Farm (£3 adults and children over 11; £1 children aged 3-10; Free for children aged 0-2; bags of animal feed - 50p)
The Ark on Sundays
Children of all ages join together downstairs on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of the month for their own activities and learning.
There's singing, crafts, drama, reading and writing and much more on offer as we follow the same teaching theme as the rest of the congregation.
The children are divided into age-appropriate groups. It's all about learning and growing in faith together, whilst having fun.
There is also an area in the worship space for those with babies and toddlers.
During the Week
Fridays - 10am - 11.30am
Birth till walking confidently, this is so babies can roll on the floor etc without older children walking or running over them.
Cost £1 no booking needed
The car park will be free (however, Friday mornings are very busy)
Wednesday’s - 10am - 11.30am
Children that can hold their own, walking running etc so normally 18months to age 3.
Cost £1 no booking needed
The car park will be free
Term Dates - 2024
Toddler Group - Wednesdays 10am -11.30am (Term time only)
Baby group - Friday’s 10am -11.30am (Term Time only)